First night payment for all booked tents is non-refundable.
For cancellations done before 15 days prior to check-in date: 20% of booking amount will be charged
For cancellations done before 7 days prior to check-in date: 50% of booking amount will be charged.
No show policy: 100% of the booking amount will be charged.
The no-show policy will be applied when the guest does not show up at the hotel within 24 hours of his/her stipulated check-in time. In such a case, the reservation will be released. Exceptions can be made if the guest establishes contact with the hotel management in writing (email) before the room is released.
It is up to Triund Camps if it wants to inform the guest when the room is released in a case of no show.
No modifications in dates will be entertained seven days prior to check in.
After checking in, the extension of reservations is subject to availability.
Curtailing the number of days after checking in and making a confirmed online booking is not allowed. In such a case, no refund will be issued.
During check-in, if the guest is not sure about when he/she wants to check out, the guest needs to inform the manager at the reception at least 24 hours in advance before checking out. If the guest fails to do this, the guest needs to pay the room tariff for one extra day.